Ross Campbell Singing Tuition UKWith his vast wealth of experience in training singers in all styles of music, including Classical, Musical Theatre, Pop & Rock, Ross Campbell is accepting students for 1-to-1 Singing Tuition in his private teaching studios in both London and Surrey. Both studios have an extensive sheet music library attached.

Ross is currently training singers at The Royal Academy of Music in London, is a Director and Head of Singing & Musical Theatre for Musical Theatre Ireland (MTI), and formerly Head of Singing & Music at Guildford School of Acting (GSA). Ross has students in every West End show, UK Tour and International Productions on a continuous basis.

ross campbell
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His long association with ABRSM lead him to be commissioned to produce the award winning ABRSM Songbooks 1 – 5, and Ross is always delighted to work with singers of all ages as their teacher and coach in preparation for Grade Examinations and Diplomas, and often using the Songbooks which he authored and compiled.



Areas of expertise & experience

UK singing lessons teacher training

•    Technical Singing Training for all voices & ages
•    Grade Examinations 1 – 8 preparation
•    Diploma & Licentiate preparation
•    College & University Entrance Auditions
•    Musical Theatre & Drama College Audition preparation
•    Professional Audition preparation
•    Consultation Lessons
•    Vast working knowledge of the Classical Repertoire
•    Vast working knowledge of the Musical Theatre Repertoire
•    Audition Repertoire Portfolio advice tailored to the individual
•    Excellent Piano Accompaniment & Sight-Reading skills in all styles

For further information contact Ross directly on his mobile  -  07956 465165 or by email  -  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


dailysingingtipsukRoss Campbell is the founder behind Daily Singing Tips. Ross is an award winning graduate of the Royal College of Music in London and has extensive experience and .....

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Phone 07956 465165

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